Future of diagnostics in Africa

Mobile phone enabled low-cost DNA sensor technology, based upon using paper microfluidics will bring both health and economic benefit to East Africa, including both Uganda and Tanzania, as well as other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa in future

Join Our Sixth Online Workshop

Workshop 6 - Environmental impact and co-creation (Friday 26th February 2021) 

UK time

  • Ghana

    Workshop 6 will take place on the 26th of February and start at 9 am local time in the Ghana

  • UK

    Workshop 6 will take place on the 26th of February and start at 10 am local time in the UK

  • Rwanda and Malawi

    Workshop 6 will take place on the 26th of February and start at 11 am local time in Rwanda and Malawi

  • Uganda and Tanzania

    Workshop 6 will take place on the 26th of February and start at 12 noon local time in Uganda and Tanzania


To understand how the “triple helix” of academic knowledge, clinical practice and manufacturing capability can be integrated to develop and implement digital health in the diagnosis of infectious disease in remote and under-served communities in East Africa - with mobile phone enabled digital health.

Challenge One

To explore the need for improved data-connectivity and security and to demonstrate that mobile phone enabled low-cost diagnostic devices can be used to record and collate data and store it on The Cloud using blockchain to include quality control and ensure data safety and privacy

All Devices

Challenge Two

To understand how low cost diagnostic tests can be used to understand the complex interplay between human health, animal well-being and economic prosperity in rural Africa. This requires the use of our new, low-cost and easy-to-use multiplex sensors to enable the detection of very low numbers of micro-organisms in a variety of human and animal samples.



Challenge Three

To fuse this data with local and national knowledge in an online platform that is able to extract trends and serve as an early warning system for disease re-emergence or contaminations (e.g. of water sources) to elicit rapid responses


Uganda and
Tanzania case

Working with Bioengineers, Computer Scientists and Veterinary Scientists in Uganda and Tanzania, we will deliver educational and outreach projects within both Universities and local technical colleges

Uganda and Tanzania

We aim to understand how our origami tests can be used to understand the complex interplay between human health, animal well-being and economic prosperity in rural Africa.

Support us in our mission with a quick survey

We would like to understand how our origami tests can be used to understand the complex interplay between human health, animal well-being and economic prosperity in rural Africa.



Contact Us

Ranking Building, University Avenue, Glasgow, Scotland

G12 8QQ

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